I think I have mentioned a few times how I feel strongly that lessons in my life are learned one at a time in a concentrated manner. The same pattern continues.

I think I have mentioned a few times how I feel strongly that lessons in my life are learned one at a time in a concentrated manner. The same pattern continues.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 10:58 PM 11 people had something to say about all this Madness
I was expecting the results from the Downs Syndrome test last Monday or Tuesday. I finally got this this Monday. Hey, only a week late. It ends up that according to this test, which they say is 91% accurate, that this baby has a 1 in 586 chance of having Downs. Sounds like fairly good odds to me. I'll take it. I was supposed to have an additional blood test done yesterday but the doctor told me to go home and not to drive myself.
The thing is, on the way to the appointment, I could see that my sight was starting to have problems which got worse until I arrived at the clinic. I knew a migraine was on the horizon. I wasn't sure whether I should just get myself there or pull over until it cleared. I tried to call Z, but he was in a meeting. I just kept driving. I got there fine.
Everything was great at the appointment. After we went through all the normal stuff, I mentioned the migraine to the doctor. She checked my eyes and said there was a "little jig," so I should call and see about getting a ride home. After that, she turned to me with this compassionate look on her face and said, "What can I do for you?" She was so great! She wrote me up a prescription, turned off the lights in the room (all but one little one) and delivered the prescription to the pharmacy herself, telling me to lay down, she'd be back in a minute. I tried again to reach Z and was in luck. He's taking to the role of knight in shining armor very well lately.
When I got to the pharmacy, it was all filled. I bought it, wishing I could cut one in half and just take it, but I couldn't, so I waited. Z showed up, I told him about the pills, he cut it in half with his teeth for me (Ahhh. How sweet.) I took the pill and was out for about three hours after that.
Today, I have a little bit of a cloudy feeling around my head, but the headache is gone. I'm grateful for a wonderful doctor and a knight of a husband.
So, I'll do the additional blood work later this week.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 1:32 PM 8 people had something to say about all this Madness
This girl is selling cookies if anyone who lives near us is interested.
I know that the years we haven't had a Girl Scout, we haven't had anyone come by to sell to us. We were so sad to miss out on the thin mints and Samoas, so we are happy this year that we've found a troop for her. We don't have to wait for someone to come around peddling this year.
If you don't have anyone to sell to you, please let us know. We'd be happy to fill your cookie desires whatever they may be.
This year, the cookies cost $4/box and here are the flavors that are available. Thank you!
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 6:36 PM 6 people had something to say about all this Madness
This is what's been in the back of my mind this week.
Had a coupon for toaster strudel (say that five times fast) yesterday. I've never purchased it before, but I just had to try it. That's the company's reason for sending out those coupons anyway, isn't it? To drum up interest? Well, let's just say I became interested very quickly--especially when DJ saw the Boston Cream ones. I have a real weakness for Bavarian cream. I was honestly going to buy these for the kids. I now notice there are only six in a package, so how am I ever going to get one. I guess it being Saturday morning, there's bound to be one or more children sleeping in. The early bird gets the toaster strudel, wouldn't you think? I've been up since 6-ish, so I'm definitely a winner. Those later birds won't even know what they've missed.
T's sitting here with me saying, "beffast." I asked him if he was hungry and if his tummy was growling. He responded with one word, "Bear."
As for that large thing that's been driving around in the back of my mind all week, it's still there in Georgia. We went and looked at one at a local dealership last night. As I went to sleep last night, I lay there wondering if I could picture myself driving such a large beast. The one we looked at last night was more like a shuttle bus (but it had seating for 12). The one we're interested at is for ten and not as tall. No matter what I drive it's going to be the family bus, so I guess I'd better get used to it.
Z and I are now talking about flying out to get it....if we buy it....and driving it back home cross country. Being a girl who has really not seen much of the world, that would be very exciting for me (not to mention spending a few blissful days with the man I love), but that really opens up a whole new set of problems, and I don't know if I even want to go there.
Anyway, that's what's been in the works in the madhouse. Gonna go feed the bear some toaster strudel, which he, at two, is not going to appreciate anyway, at least not in the way he should...hmm...maybe he would like some cereal instead. I think I know someone else who would enjoy that strudel much more than he.....
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 6:59 AM 4 people had something to say about all this Madness
I hate this tree!
I think it is a pretty well-known fact that I really do HATE this tree. I call it the Dr. Seuss tree and would eventually like to chop it down, burn it and replace this space with hydrangea bushes. Don't you think that would be lovely?
As I'm sitting here in the front room preparing a portion of tonight's Mutual activity, the sky is grey, the rain is falling and the wind is gusting....so much so that the little tree is bending. Hmm. Brings some evil thoughts to mind. If I were to just go give it a little extra push, Z'd think it was an accident, wouldn't he? He wouldn't even question it, would he?
There are a few things he holds on to from this house in its original form--that lovely tree is one of them. Sigh.....
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 2:22 PM 11 people had something to say about all this Madness
One of the most startling realities of having a new baby is the fact that we'll have to purchase a new car. We've found just the one we want, but it's all the way in Roswell, Georgia. *sigh* They will ship it to us, but we don't want to buy it sight unseen, so if you know anyone who's heading out to Georgia any time soon or if you have a good, trustworthy friend who'd test drive the thing for us, let me know.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 7:55 PM 5 people had something to say about all this Madness
I'm down to about six things on my to do list. The six things I'm dreading doing the most. They wouldn't be so hard if I'd just do them. Oh, how many times have I said that to my children when facing things they don't want to do? I've even accomplished a couple projects that I didn't have deadlines for until July. That's how much I don't want to do these other things. So, how do you do it? How do you get yourself doing things you dread? I could really use some ideas.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 9:52 PM 10 people had something to say about all this Madness
I finally sat down yesterday to face reality. I have LOVED every minute of having the hubby and kids around for THREE weeks--yeah snow!!! The extended Christmas break was a real great Christmas gift, and I'm dreading everyone going back to school on Monday morning.
I sat down yesterday and attempted to organize my life a little bit and was shocked at just how many things I have been avoiding or forgetting completely. As I'm writing this, I'm remember more. Ugh! I'm trying very hard to not overwhelm myself, so after listing all the things that came to my mind--they extend all the way to July--I put due dates to them and prioritized them.
Yesterday I worked on A1 on the list and got finished up to B4. I rewrote and reprioritized the list for today. Here it is:
There, that's my list. The A,B,Cs signify each task's due date.
Yesterday, I created the list at about 5pm. Between 5 and 11pm, I finished washing all the laundry, tutored A and complete 9 lessons (I only have 10 left and a final for this class), recycled my coupons that expired 12/31/08, created a grocery list and found accompanying coupons, read with B, and created a new family scripture reading plan for 2009. All-in-all, a fairly productive evening to make up for my slothfulness. We'll see how much I get done today. Got to make up for all the "sick time" I've taken.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 8:39 AM 5 people had something to say about all this Madness