This clinches it. This woman is one of my heroes! Good for her!!!
I stole this little video from a blog I found today (I loved the blog's name. It intrigued me). I hope she's okay with me sharing this also. I so agree with Sarah here, and feel like I can relate to her on so many levels.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So Right and Good
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 3:59 PM 6 people had something to say about all this Madness
Wordless Wednesday - Boy in Charge
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 12:25 PM 2 people had something to say about all this Madness
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Two Favorite Baby Items
First, I need to start this post by declaring that I am WAYYYYY a Huggies mom over any other brand of diapers. My favorite are the "Pure and Natural." Usually, you can find them for $9.99 and then there's the $3 coupon you can get for them, which makes them about the same price as store brand. No, I'm not sharing that because diapers are one of my favorite things, EWWWW! Far from it.
I have two items that I'm LOVING right now. I inherited one of them from a good friend who was moving. I bought her bassinet, and she threw this in with it. I found one similar to it on the Target website. It props her headup just a little bit and the side pads are secured with velcro, so you can adjust them as needed. Not sure why I love it as much as I do. She just seems so comfy and secure as she sleeps.
My other favorite really surprises me that I love it as much as I do, but I think, of all the baby things I've ever owned, it is my all-time fave.
First, the funny story of it....When I was pregnant with T, I kept seeing women carrying their babies in wraps. I wondered, by the looks of them, how these women kept the baby from falling through the bottom, so my curiosity got the better of me. I started searching for one.
First stop...Target. I walked down the aisle that might carry carriers of different kinds, but no luck. As I left the aisle, a woman walked by with her baby boy securely snuggled in a wrap. I walked up to her and asked her where she got it. To be completely honest, the poor baby looked strangely contorted the way he was wrapped in the thing, but she told me that she'd made it and explained all the ways it could be used. She also said that she had n extra one at her house, and if I wanted it, she'd give it to me. Later that day, I met her and bought it from her. I have loved it ever since. She gave me websites where I could learn to wrap it.
I used it tons for T, and now with L, she gets in it and almost immediately falls asleep. One of the school crossing guards teases me that L is never awake. Sometimes I have to grab her out of her bed while she's sleeping because I have to walk the boys to school; she continues to sleep and doesn't wake until I get home and get her unwrapped.
It just cracked me up yesterday as I went up to the school to pick up the boys. One of the male teachers asked me how I kept the baby in the wrap. "Is there velcro or something?" It, honestly, is just one huge, long piece of somewhat stretchy fabric. That's all it is. The fabric is crossed between the baby's legs. The other amazing thing about it is that it is completely comfortable for me--no achy back. My Baby Bjorn still makes me feel like I have to have one hand on the baby, but this kind of wrap let's you carry the baby completely hands-free. She's so secure in there.
It amazes me what we're willing to spend money for--these puppies are expensive, if you ask me. Maybe someday I'll make and sell them.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Binding and Casting
It is said that in the last days Satan will be bound and cast into a pit. As with so many things, I don't feel that this'll be a sudden occurence, and I think we'll have a lot more to do with it than it seems. I believe that if Satan is going to be bound, it will be up to us as individuals to bind him in our own lives. This is one of the main reasons we have the Holy Ghost in our lives.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 6:14 AM 8 people had something to say about all this Madness
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Totally Something I Would Do
Z collects funny video clips and commercials. As I recall, this was one of his first. Having been raised amongst a bunch of unruly boys,, I have a naughty side to me that I can't quite control. That must be why I love the lady in this clip so much. I can just see Z and me in our old age in this same scenario--just busting a gut!
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 10:52 AM 4 people had something to say about all this Madness
Friday, September 25, 2009
Swine Flu?
I started this blog as a personal journal. As you can see, I'm doing a pretty lousy job at keeping this goal up. This is kind of how life goes for me. I want to do well then life happens.
One of the things life has dealt us lately is a battle with the flu. We still haven't received test results to know if it's H1N1/Swine flu, but I have a hard time believing it would be anything else. A woke up in the morning, last Thursday, telling me he had a fever. His lips were white. He was struggling to breathe, and his heart was racing. While waiting on hold for a nurse, the area around his mouth started to turn gray. He's had asthma in the past but it's been very mild and manageable. By that evening, he was in the hospital. He was there for two nights as they were trying to get his blood oxygen level to stabilize. He spent those three days on oxygen. It was a scary time. I'm grateful for modern medicine and the priesthood.
During all of this, T decided it was time to potty train. I'm not one to set the clock and tell my kids when to go. I did on my first couple children, but it was just too darn stressful. T is now nearly trained. He's doing a great job. It's just been an interesting time to do this.
So, along with this flu stuff, I've learned that there is no medicine for a child less than a year old. This has had me pretty concerned. L was with A and me through the first part of this ordeal. It ended up that the oldest two kids had pretty good signs that they were experiencing it too--fever, headache, achiness, and the younger boys on either side of A had runny noses, coughs, and congestion (also signs of this flu). Z, who stayed with A in the hospital, started to come down with something similar by Sunday. We've been surrounded by it, but L, DJ and I have had no symptoms at all (I'm knocking on wood as I say this). Hand sanitizer is our constant companion. A keeps it in his pocket at all times. He's the one who doles it out if any of us need it.
My brother's been in town the last few days. His wife told him not to come to our house during his visit. Sad, but true. I totally understand this, but it makes me feel like we have the plague. Ah well, what can you do?
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 10:25 PM 4 people had something to say about all this Madness
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How to Make Friends - A Refresher Course
- Ask: "Do you want to be friends?"
- Then ask: "How old are you?"
- Finally, ask: "What's your name?"
That's all it takes. At least according to my six-year-old.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 9:03 PM 3 people had something to say about all this Madness
Here's What's Working at Our House
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 1:02 PM 4 people had something to say about all this Madness
Friday, September 11, 2009
I've Seen Angels
I met the man he speaks of in the beginning of this song. Yesterday, I went to the grocery store. I had L strapped on my front in her sling and was trying to get a cart. It looked stuck, which is often the case, but before I could even tug on it to see if this was true, a very tall, thin, stooped backed old man with a very large smile appeared out of nowhere. He said, "Let me get that for you." He pulled it out and took a step back. T then started asking to ride in the back of the cart, and I explained that he needed to ride in the seat if he was going to get in the cart. The man stepped forward again as he saw T start to go to climb up the cart and said, "Let me help you there, young man."
He seemed so old and frail and I wanted to stop what I knew was about to happen, but without hesitation, the old man lifted T into the seat. I fastened the buckle. T was very quiet, almost reverent, during this entire encounter. The man took a step back again, and it seemed almost as an after thought, he stepped forward again and kissed T on the forehead. Then, I turned and went into the store; I didn't see him again.
Yes, I believe there are angels among us.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 6:24 AM 2 people had something to say about all this Madness
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I read part of Mosiah 3 today. I only got through a few verses before it was time to get moving, but it was fascinating. I love using
I try very hard, when I read, to liken what I'm reading to myself.
This morning, I read about the coming of Jesus Christ. It says He came "with power" (vs. 5). I really got to pondering this thought. I have never regarded this little baby born in Bethlehem as being born "with power." I mean, of course He was, but I never thought about that before. He had it all there. His potential was endless.
So, I got to thinking that in terms of these little people (and not so little people) that dwell in this madhouse. Who are we? What potential do we hold. What abilities did God bless us with from before our births, and are we living up to them?
As I read on, it spoke of His life spent blessing the lives of others. It spoke of Him casting out the "evil spirits" from people's souls. I pondered on His obedience to His Father. These things made me realize more about human potential.
Everyone we meet every minute of every day has a God-given potential. To tap into this potential, we must connect with Him who gave it to us. The more we connect and are obedient to Him, the more we will uncover, and as we continue in this way, it will become part of who we are. As we serve others, we are connecting.
Then I got to thinking about the "evil spirit" part. We all have them. They are the things we allow to take us away from Him. They are the things that keep us from being obedient. They are the things that I use as excuses for skipping out on scripture reading or attending the temple or avoiding my visiting teaching. If we can rid ourselves, or better yet, ask Him to help us overcome them, we will find part of our potential.
So, the big question for the day, what am I going to do to bring my potential out? What can I overcome now to draw closer to God and what He wants me to be?
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 6:16 AM 3 people had something to say about all this Madness
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Quiet Time
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 4:14 PM 2 people had something to say about all this Madness
Monday, September 7, 2009
Never Do For a Child...
...what a child can do for himself.
This has been my credo from the beginning. For that reason, I have never made a school lunch. Should I be ashamed of myself for this? I have taught my children how to do for themselves in this area. I think, had they experienced my school lunches, they would thank me for this--I am very uncreative (is that a word?) in this area.
When our oldest went off to first grade, I posted a list on the inside of the cupboard that holds most of the food in our home. It had listed breads, proteins, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, desserts and drinks that are kept on hand for their use. They could choose from the list, they just had to make sure that each area was represented. I have had to learn to step back and be okay with whatever strange combination they come up with.
So, funny story. Once, when he was in second grade, I went on a field trip with my oldest son. We both packed our own lunches. I had pb&j, a string cheese, baby carrots, an apple and a water bottle. He had the most amazing lunch. I couldn't believe it and begged for a trade. He told me that next time I went with him, he'd make my lunch too.
When our kids enter first grade, they are so excited to make lunch. It's been a very funny thing to see.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 9:09 PM 3 people had something to say about all this Madness
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This Girl....
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 2:58 PM 6 people had something to say about all this Madness
Jogging my Memory
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 1:58 PM 2 people had something to say about all this Madness
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Bittersweet September
Summer vacation is just right. Any longer, and I think "madhouse" wouldn't even begin to sum up our home. The kids are tired of each other, and the drone of my voice has become part of the scenery in my children's brains. I honestly detest being ignored. It, to me, is the utmost in disrespect, so needless to say, I'm ready for them to return to school. By spring break in March, I'll be ready for them to return home again and will begin making summer plans, and in effect, create the paper chain to countdown to summer vacation again. This happens every year.
Once upon a time, my husband was a teacher. He was home during summer; well, kind of. He would always get a non-teaching related job, but when he was home, he was home--no grading, no student problems hanging heavy on his mind. It was really nice. The pay was not so good, but we only had two children, and we didnt' know any different; we were just happy to have income. I guess you could say that it is comparable to a school administrators pay with six children (we now have seven). HaHa! It all works; still happy to have income.
My husband isn't the kind of guy who stresses. He just handles it all. You know opposites attract, so in a way, I guess you could say that I compensate for his lack. August and September are notoriously a bit more difficult on our family. He's gone A LOT.
Every year, school here always starts the day after Labor Day. This year is the latest it could possibly be--September 8th. It's kind of like being in church when the meeting goes a little long. Every kid in the chapel has an internal clock that knows the meeting was supposed to be over three minutes ago, so they get antsy--the crying, whining and basic misbehavior starts up. That's how our summer has become. It's starting to rot on the vine; the fun is over. The school clothes and supplies are purchased weeks ago. The rule at our house is that school clothes are just that--they are meant to be worn on or after the first day of school and not before. They are excited for so many reasons.
On the other hand, I'm sad to see them go back. They have all been so helpful. I have had the extra pairs of hands that I've needed whenever I needed them. I'm sure I'll feel like I'm swinging on the trapeze without a net once they're gone during the day. I know I'm going to have to slow down and not plan on getting too much done around here until I can figure out just how far I can jump. The greatest blessing in all of this is the fact that I've had the acclimating months of this new baby with an enormous network of help. She is an extremely easy baby. To be honest, I will miss them when they're gone all day, but I feel like I'm ready, and so are they.
Posted by Hesses Madhouse at 1:23 PM 3 people had something to say about all this Madness