Monday, June 13, 2011

Too Fast!

#3 and I were driving to the grocery store this evening--she's my shopping buddy, and she started saying things like, "Mom, do you realize that next year at this time, I'll be done with middle school and be almost ready to get my driving permit?" and "In four years, [#1]'ll be 22, [#2]'ll be on his mission, and I'll be driving?"  Then "Mom, in four years, [#7]'ll be turning 6."

Ugh!  Time is going fast enough as it is.  This kind of conversation just isn't very nice.  Can't we just slow things down for a little while?


Janiece said...

It is crazy how fast time goes anymore.
Kirk and I had the same conversation the other day...when he gets released from the bishopric Miss C will be in 1st grade and Miss H will be getting ready for school!
by the way...
how are you feeling?

vaxhacker said...

I hear ya.

Julia Shinkle said...

If you find a way to slow it down will you let me know. I have been feeling the same way as of late.

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