Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Coming Week

Here are the upcoming events at our house:

Tomorrow night, we get to do FHE with some dear friends to get ready for a Christmas nativity thing the kids'll do together.

G's got basketball practice on Monday and Wednesday nights. They had their first tournament this past Saturday and won all four of their games! Should be a good season. They changed the Monday night practices to 8pm. At first I thought this was a bit late, but I realized later that this is perfect for our Family Home Evening schedule. Yeah!

Yes, we're still without a dryer. I've been washing all the laundry, which is super fast, and then running the wet stuff to the laundromat to dry. We need to rerun our dryer ductwork in order to get our dryer a permanent fix, so it might not be until Christmas break for Z to have the time to do this. It'd be nice to know someone who actually knows what they're doing in this kind of a case, but we can't think of who would, so we'll see what happens. So, tomorrow I'll be washing all the clothes and Z will run them to the mat during G's practice. Oh I know, fun! Fun! Fun! You're all just a bit jealous of my seemingly idyllic life.

B's Cub Scouts and DJ's Activity Days are on Tuesday as are G's swimming lessons and Enrichment for me. I've loved watching G swim. I love, first of all, getting out of the house, but it's been fun to watch him graduate level by level. He started out at level C. He was nervous about this, thinking he'd be the oldest kid in a little kid class, but the first week he passed all the C requirements and moved to D and the next lesson he fulfilled all of those and is now in E. Our goal is to get him up to level G so he can do fun swimming stuff with his friends during the summer. He is in a class with one other boy who is seven, but G really likes him and is so good with kids younger than he is, that it's still a fun experience for him.

Wednesday I have a doctor's appointment and that evening is Sub for Santa with the youth. Q has invited her friend from school. Not sure if this is such a good idea. He is a boy, and just knowing how the youth have reacted in the past when girls have brought guys and guys have brought girls to mutual--there is a judgmental thing that goes on and they're automatically considered a "couple." Q knows there is no dating until 16, and she's seen others make mistakes that she knows she doesn't want to make. Am I handling this wrong? Should she not be allowed to invite this boy? I guess since I had so many guy friends at her age, I see things as very harmless. Am I being naive?

Thursday'll be grocery shopping day. Yeah for coupons!

Q's going to watch the kids for me on Thursday afternoon as soon as she gets home, so I can run to the temple. Ahh. I can't wait.

Friday is the day I'm looking forward to the most. Through blogging, I've come back in contact with a young woman who was one of my Beehives way back when Z and I were just starting out. She's a photographer and has offered to take our family portraits. So, we're picking Z up from work on Friday afternoon and heading straight down to Salem to see her (I think it's been thirteen years). I'm just so excited to see her! Now I've got to see what we all have to wear for photos--white shirts and jeans is where I'm leaning. It's been awhile since we've done photos like those. She mentioned black shirts also looked good, but I don't think all of my kids have black shirts. Any other opinions?

Just a silly side note:
At Z's school, there is a large flock of geese that hang out on the fields. One of them aimed just right for the passenger side window on Z's car. Today, as we drove to church, there it was, out my window. Ugh! It's green! I started calling it "poose goop," as I frequently mix first letters in words. It seemed to fit, but maybe it should be known as "peuce goop."

I promise that I'm going to get back into my Constitution series. It'll happen this week. Have a great one! We'll see if I can get a little more bloggy in my thinking and post a bit more than this past week.


Darilyn said...

I think it's fine that Q is bringing a boy to mutual. They are friends after all.

My cousins family for their family portraits this summer did navy shirts. I thought it looked really nice and was different then the white and black you see more often. I did like the family pictures with white too so if you have all white then go for it.

vaxhacker said...

I don't see a problem with Q bringing a boy to mutual, but I have to admit I'm not too familiar with the current attitudes or mentality around the youth that age, so I may not be aware of what sort of social consequences she'd get from that.

Of course, I went to a (nearly) all-boy's high school, so it's not like I'd have had that sort of experience much anyway.

Grats for G's excellent progress with swimming, too. My K and J have been going through swimming lessons off and on for the last few years, and all of what you described sounds pretty familiar, too. (For us, we're particularly keen to have the kids know how to swim, with a swimming pool in our backyard and all... although oddly I never really learned to swim myself.)

Temple. Gosh... it's been way too long since we went. I'm really hoping to get there on our ward's temple night before Christmas, if not sooner too.

Jeannie said...

I think it should be fine for Q to bring a boy to mutual, espically since I know that their not dating,etc. I think that people should be a little less judgemental, since everyone does something like that, even if its not exactly like that. I know that it will be fine, and too bad for those who think wrong of this.

Anyways, have fun with a busy schedule!

Love tons!

Rachael said...

About Q and the boy....
First ask Q if she likes this boy, like a BOY. Not just as "I hang out with all of these people and any of them is just as special to me". If she really thinks she might like him, then I would put the kabosh on it. It doesn't mean that she can't like him, I would just avoid situations that make them SEAM like a couple. You can't help but have people assume they are a couple if they are constantly hanging out together. I have seen them as school and I have to admit, they look like they like each other. I have seen great kids get swooped up in relationships too early even though they weren't "technically" dating, and it usually caused a lot of grief. I would talk with her and make some guidelines that you both agree on. Just my opinion...that you asked for.

PS. I hope Santa brings you a dryer.

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