Friday, December 26, 2008

My Favorite Christmas Gift

Z's mom decided that this year she was going to give gifts of service. She called me a few weeks ago asking what I thought Z would think about her ironing his dress shirts once a month. I told him that he would love it (so would I), so that's what she gave him. When I hung up, I wondered if she was planning on doing something similar for each family member and tried to figure out what she would do for me. I really couldn't think of anything.

On Christmas morning, I was handed a very small wrapped box with a raffia ribbon tied around it. Inside was a slip of paper that said that Z's mom would make an entire meal for our family one time every month for the year of 2009. Wow!!! For any of you that don't know, Z's mom is my favorite cook in the entire world! She never uses a recipe and ends up with amazing dishes that are TO DIE FOR. I couldn't be more excited.

You'd better believe I'll be posting about these fabulous meals. I can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

Love it! Shirks the ball-and-chain of commercialism, is meaningful and gets the family together more often. You're right. She is a divine cook. I remeber going to their 'cabin-house' with you and Z once. Yummers!

Darilyn said...

That is a wonderful gift and one that your entire family will be talking about for years to come. "remember the year grandma made dinner for us every month?" That's what your kids will be saying years from now. I love it!

Messy Jess said...

My MOM-in-Law did that for us this year - only free babysitting instead. How sweet!

Tonya said...

I love the idea of service gifts and I would LOVE it if somebody would make us dinner once a month. Very cool!

Alyson said...

Wow, now that's a service I could sink my teeth into! (ahaha, pun intended) But seriously, I can't think of anything I'd rather receive either. That woman's a gem.

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