Monday, October 3, 2011

Minimalism - The End

Tomorrow is my last day in this trial of minimalism.  To be honest, I liked a lot of things about it.  I liked the limited choices in some areas--clothing, in particular.  The dishes thing made my family crazy.

I've decided that my clothes are not coming back into the house.  As I put them in the bins, there were a few that I was wondering why I was even putting them in there.  I didn't like them as it was.  There were others about which I felt the opposite.  The rest were all just kind of eh.  So, as I need them, I will bring in other clothes.  After six months, those that are still in the boxes will go away.

As far as dishes go, I'm not going to throw a fit as things re-enter the cupboards.  I'm not going to go get them, but when things get too full, I'm going to thin them out again.  I think the thing, in this regard, that bothered the family the most was the silverware.  Glasses and plates weren't nearly the problem that forks and spoons were.

We'll see where this goes from here.  I wish I had started this back in July or August when there was a bit more time to thin other areas of the house out.  My greatest desire is to get rid of the clutter that occupies certain parts of this house.  I just think that if I had less stuff I'd be happier and free up so much time.  The only hang up is having or making the time to focus on it and get rid of it.  I'd love to have some unencumbered time to do this.


Alyson said...

Ah, unencumbered time for a worthy project. We never have that, do we? But I bet you'll find other ways to do it one bite at a time.

vaxhacker said...

There have been a few times we've threatened to "just do what the Hesses are doing and go way minimalistic" but I don't think we could do that. Perhaps one step at a time, selecting one area at a time to trim down the cruft in our lives...

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