Monday, September 1, 2008

Goal for a New School Year

"Prepare every needful thing; and establish a 'life', even a 'life of prayer, a life' of fasting, a 'life' of faith, a 'life' of learning, a life' of glory, a 'life' of order, a 'life' of God."

I was spending some time looking through the "Care to Prepare" blog and found this as the first entry. For some reason, this scripture--Doctrine & Covenants 109:8--when considered in this way has great meaning to me. Originally, this scripture spoke of the building of the Kirtland Temple, but it is clear that these words are intended for us in our lives.

As my kids head off to school each new year, I spend some time considering some goals I should work toward. This year, I would like to put my house in order, particularly in the area of emergency preparedness.


Cecily R said...

My goal is to actually get SOMETHING done. I can't be specific about what that know, so I don't get too disappointed. :)

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