Friday, September 19, 2008

Sad Reality

The Time Out for Women is coming to Portland. I've gone a few times in the past, and it's been so uplifting and enriching. I always feel invincible when I return home.

Although Z has to man four soccer games by himself that day, he is willing to make the sacrifice knowing how I am when I get back. Actually, Z's just that kind of guy. He spoils me good--when I want to do something he just makes it so; no matter how great his own sacrifice. I think his mother taught him well.

I received an email the day before yesterday, saying that the discount tickets would be sold until Sept. 18th. So, yesterday morning I knew I had to get on it, but I also knew I didn't want to go alone.

I thought about the women in my ward. There are so many I'd love to spend the day with, but I decided that there were many women who would probably love to know that I want to spend time with them. Not that it's ME that's the important part, but doesn't everybody like knowing that others find them of value and want to be with them? I started in making a list.

Our ward is FULL of amazing women from all walks of life. It was funny, but as I contemplated my list before making phone calls, I realized how much I love and admire these women. I didn't have a problem calling any of them.

I found a number of women that wanted to go. More than that, I think a lot of people have been waiting to be wanted. I could hear it in so many of their voices; they were thrilled to be asked. I feel like I did a good thing. I think it's something Heavenly Father wanted me to do.

Many of them couldn't go, but I think I'm going to be more brave in the future. I think we all have people that we're comfortable with--those who seem to be in the same place in life as we are, or think the same way we do, but yesterday I found that it's so rewarding to step outside of the comfort zone and reach out to others.

One woman I invited sent me an email last night thanking me for inviting her. One thing that occurred to me, as I read, was that she and I are not as different as it appears on the outside. I read and cried when I realized how excluded she has felt. As write this, I realize that I must have had something to do with her feelings of exclusion. Of course, I'm not the only one, but I can only take responsiblity for myself. The saddest thing of all is how WONDERFUL and talented this woman is, and I have allowed her to feel like that by doing nothing waiting around, feeling sorry for myself when no one is inviting me. I'm sure she can't be the only one.

So, I have a challenge for anyone who is reading this. I guess you can consider yourself "tagged." Find someone who needs you, and do something this next week. Even if it's only a chat on the telephone with someone you dont' know very well. Just do it. We all could use it. I would love to hear the results of your actions.


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

I am always touched to find out there are others out there who feel like I do: happy most of the time but definately insecure and on those days a bit lonely. You are a wonderful person who openly admits your own feelings and helps all of us feel normal and OK for feeling insecure or inadequate. Once we realize more are like us or feeling the same as we do we can see eachother on a smiliar level and reach out. I wish there were more people like you. You seem to have realized you have great potential in embracing your feelings- no matter how comfortable they are to you or not- and in doing so you can bring comfort and happiness to others. Thanks Julie. What a great example you are to me.

Darilyn said...


great post. I take the challenge. It's definitely hard to step out of that comfort zone.

Heidi said...

Thanks for the challenge! I really think we are all much more alike than it may appear. We all have those moments of fear and loneliness. I love those "Aha" moments when I find out that I'm not the only one that feels that way. It makes it so much easier to follow your challenge knowing we all just want to be loved. Thanks again for the invite and the post!

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