Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Constitution of the United States of America (Part 1) - The Preamble

I was remembering today how Ezra Taft Benson had instructed us to study and become well-versed in the Constitution and our rights as citizens of the United States, so we could stand up for those rights in the coming days.

In an attempt to be obedient, I'm cutting this into small, bite-sized pieces. I also want to truly understand this document's implications to me as an individual. I believe the Constitution of the United States to be holy writ. Sacred documents don't change in importance over time. Therefore, this is an important record for all of us. I hope that you'll join me in my study.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Original purpose of the founding fathers:
Form a more perfect union - to unite the areas and people of the country.
Establish justice - make things fair and right with the citizens and before God.
Insure domestic tranquility - assure that all is happy and peaceful here at home.
Provide for the common defence - to take care of and protect our own citizens.
Promote the general welfare - make sure all are cared for and have what they need.
Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity - that we and our children may be free and enjoy freedom's blessings.

If we aren't living up to these standards as a nation, which we cannot directly control, are we living them as individuals and as families? What are we doing to make unity, justice, tranquility, defense, welfare and liberty into the values that rule our homes?

Ordain is such an interesting word -- meaning: confer holy orders.
This is a holy document.
Now for something to entertain you!


Josh Alder said...

The Constitution is a beautiful, inspired document. I have kept a copy of it in my scriptures for many years as a reminder of the many blessings we enjoy in this country. I've also gazed upon its yellowed pages at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. It is wise for us to study it and ponder what it says.

Equally, it is important that we in our lifelong mission to serve the Lord that we recognize the blessings we've been afforded. We owe those same rights to others who do not share our beliefs, just as our 11th Article of Faith dictates:

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." (Joseph Smith, Articles of Faith)

It is one thing to stand up for our beliefs; it is quite another to trounce over others rights as citizens of this country simply because we do not agree with them. We must always make sure that we never use Christianity as a crutch for outright discrimination.

Here's a great quote from Pres. Joseph F. Smith of honoring the Constitution and respecting our fellow citizens:

"I wish to say this, there isn't a feeling in my soul, nor in any fibre of my being that is disloyal to the government of the United States or to the desire that we have in our souls to maintain the principles of individual and National liberty, justice and freedom that have been established in the Constitution of our country.

I believe in the Constitution of the United States. I believe in the principles which that instrument promulgates—the freedom of mankind to do right, to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience, freedom to pursue their way in peace and to observe and maintain their rights, their freedom, their liberties, and justly recognize and equally preserve and defend their rights, freedom and liberty of their neighbors and of their fellow beings—and of all God's creatures.

I believe that the Constitution of the United States was and still is an inspired instrument. The Lord God Almighty inspired the minds that framed it, and I believe it ought to be most sacredly preserved. It is worthy of the defense and should be upheld by all the people of our land
." (Joseph F. Smith, Thrift and Economy 634-35)

My personal beliefs are that the George W. Bush administration has acted quite poorly in regards to the Constitution, limiting the rights of many people in the name of national security and, ultimately, an exaggerated sense of fear and paranoia.

I believe and pray that President-elect Obama will improve upon these things so that all Americans can feel the blessings guaranteed to them in the Constitution and "form a more perfect union."

Hesses Madhouse said...

Josh, I am so not talking current or past or future politics here. I love the quote from Joseph F. Smith here. Thank you for sharing it. I really didn't want to turn this into a contentious issue. Simply, I feel that, after reading words of past prophets, that the day will come when the Constitution of the United States will dangle by a thread. Are we prepared for that day whether now or later? Do we truly have understanding of that document enough that we can unite as a people to overcome evil and press forward? Whether Obama or McCain or Pedro had won last night, I would have posted about this.

It is not a political statement at this time. Just a wake up call. I believe there is much more at the head of our government than we can control at this point; than anyone can control. Prophecy will be fulfilled. So, how are we doing? How are we, as individuals and families, doing to become knowledgeable? You, of course, are so knowledgeable, but some of us, are at home all day with little children and don't get or take the chance to delve these kinds of things that are potentially very important to our families.

Rory Baxter said...

interesting that you posted this specific "schoolhouse rock" - caiden's class and other 3rd grade classes are doing a "schoolhouse rock jr" musical program next week at his school. Caiden has a "solo" singing this song - and has been singing it for a couple of weeks practicing for his program.
Seems relevant at this time. If only more people who live here would understand the truth that the founding fathers were inspired and directed by Heavenly Father to create such holy documents as these. If only we could help them understand the importance of keeping its truths sacred instead of allowing the world's views to demean and skew its meanings and teachings. After what occurred last night it seems that the worldly views show how much has been lost and forgotten. What a tragedy to know so many blessings have been and will be lost because people choose not to live or belive the truths that our founding fathers gave their lives to make and uphold.

Josh Alder said...

No worries, Julie. I didn't see it as an issue of contention, more just a poignant reflection on an inspired document... and I appreciate it.

Whatever our political ideologies, the Constitution stands as a living, breathing connection to our past when the founders of our nation looked forward to a future where everyone would have a chance to experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. More than any other nation on earth, we enjoy those freedoms today and will, I believe, for many years to come.

vaxhacker said...

I'm in the middle of teaching a class so I don't have time to write much, but thank you for posting this! It's so important for every single citizen to be knowledgeable about what our constitution really says and defines, and what our rights are and the limits and powers of our government.

There are enough popular myths about all of the above which could be cleared up if people actually read through that wonderful document more.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Thanks for this series; I look forward to following along.

I did, however, think you had too broad a definition for "Promote the general welfare - make sure all are cared for and have what they need". There is a big difference between "promoting" and making sure "all" have their needs met. Personally, I interpret it to mean the government should provide an environment that enables the people to flourish as a result of hard work. I know others have different feelings on this.

Shauna said...

Love your blog, it is awesome :)

Hesses Madhouse said...

Thanks for the comment, Becky! It was exactly what I'd hoped for when I posted this. I wanted others feelings and ideas that would stretch my own thinking. I completely agree with what you said. I think that in this respect, the U.S. welfare system is completely flawed. I know that everyone has different levels of ability, but effort should be required in order to receive. I believe this is what the founding fathers were intending.

Tonya said...

You are so awesome Julie! This is a topic I don't think nearly enough about. I do agree with you that the Constitution is a holy document and that we should know and understand and defend its contents. Thanks for sharing and keep the videos coming. They are on my level:0)

Jenni said...

Looove the Schoolhouse rock at the end! I use that series alot at school with my 3rd graders!

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