Friday, November 14, 2008

Official Statement

Check out the official statement from Church leadership.

I couldn't agree more. Enough of this foolishness!


Emilie said...

You know, I absolutely agree. You and I probably have an opposite point of view on this issue, Julie, but I think we both share the conviction that it is wrong to target churches on this. People in California wanted a civil law. It has nothing to do with what church communities teach. In my case, the Catholic Church is very clear about where it stands; I respect that I will probably never see a man marry a man (or a woman marry a woman) on the altar of my church. But that's a completely separate issue from whether they can marry in City Hall.

P.S. I remember Kristin H.! But I don't think I'd thought about her for decades. Isn't it crazy how people's mean comments can stick in our minds for that long? Part of my self-image still feels like the gangley, gawky girl I imagined myself to be in junior high. :)

vaxhacker said...

I think that was a perfect response, and gets at the heart of what I find I have to keep saying to people depressingly often... we can find a way to get along and be fair and civil despite our differences... but we have to be willing to be civil with each other. Even though I know that it's just a tiny radical fringe doing the protests, arson, vandalism and violence... it's still sad and ultimately (from what I've seen) hurting their interests more than it's helping.

I've seen a huge outpouring from the Catholic church (specifically) and in general other religious groups, in public statements saying, "Well we have to hand it to the Mormons" (when's the last time you heard that?) and denouncing the singling out of our church in all this mess.

I've also been a little dismayed at the reaction of even my own friends (and the... well, it wasn't quite a flame-war but certainly a heated discussion... in the comments in my journal over this. There's an awful lot of emotion wrapped up in this issue, and not a lot of understanding of the other side's feelings and motives. So easy to assume the worst I suppose. (sigh...) Not sure if I've even managed to lose a few friends simply by my belonging to "That church" or not.

Anyway, I'm blathering on too much so I'll stop :)

Darilyn said...

Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering just yesterday what was going on with that.

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